1616 Ventures

1616 Ventures

Launch date
São Paulo Brazil (HQ)

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More about 1616 Ventures

1616 Ventures is a Venture Capital firm focused on investing in the best early-stage entrepreneurs in Brazil and supporting them throughout their journey.

We invest in Pre-seed and Seed stage companies focused on the Brazilian market. We are sector agnostic but look for companies that can scale fast through the use of technology. We currently invest checks of up to USD $100K in each startup.

1616 Ventures is defined by our own entrepreneurial spirit and the empathy and respect we have for entrepreneurs. We know from first-hand experience how hard it is to build a venture-backed tech company in Brazil. 1616 itself is an entrepreneurial endeavor.

1616 was born international: With a Brazilian partner in New York and an American partner in São Paulo, we help bridge the capital and experience gap between the startup ecosystems in North and South America.

For more information, visit 1616ventures.com.