Digital Asset Capital Management

Digital Asset Capital Management

Launch date
Road Town British Virgin Islands (HQ)

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More about Digital Asset Capital Management

The digital asset sector and its leading constituent, Bitcoin, have been one of the fastest growing and highest returning technologies in history. The disruptive potential of digital assets, and the investment opportunities they create, are a once in a generation phenomenon. Digital Asset Capital Management was launched to capitalise upon this opportunity and provide sophisticated and institutional investors with access to this exciting, yet very specialised sector. Digital Asset Fund, managed by DACM, leverages the technical and operational blockchain knowledge, and financial market expertise of the Company, and it's proprietary investment methodology, to focus on selecting the long-term winners from the emerging digital asset sector. Digital Asset Fund's mandate provides flexibility to capitalise upon unique valuation opportunities across the sector including selective investment in early-stage and small cap digital assets. DACM has also launched the DAF Liquid Venture Fund, an open ended fund leveraging DACM's unique industry connectivity to provide investors with access to seed and early-stage financing rounds in compelling, early-stage blockchain opportunities as well as DAF Greeks Fund which provides market-neutral, income producing returns.