FPI Ventures

FPI Ventures

Launch date
Bodden Town Cayman Islands (HQ)

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More about FPI Ventures

FPI Innovation Fund LP is seed stage fund for industrial hightech related startups.


- To transform scientific projects into commercially viable businesses


- To identify and acquire “rockstar” projects that can provide the highest investment returns

- We are seeking for projects in Russia as well as globally with the focus on Russian speaking scientists,

engineers and entrepreneurs, many of whom left ex-Soviet Union, but still maintain strong professional ties with

their native country

- To attract and examine projects at their earliest stage, even before a business model has been formed, and

actively develop them in hands-on mode

- To implement business experience of the fund’s team alongside the project team’s enthusiasm

- To minimize the early high-risk investments by acquiring projects at the earliest stage possible and pursuing the

milestone-based funding principle, and achieve a clear understanding of the perspectives of the project