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Ocean Visions is a non-profit organization that operates in the environmental sector, specifically focusing on climate change and ocean restoration. The company's mission is to advance new solutions to stabilize the climate and restore the ocean, addressing what they identify as the top threat to our oceans - climate disruption.

Their strategy involves four key steps: Reduce, Remove, Repair, and Reach. They aim to maximize low-carbon food, energy, and transportation from the ocean, use the ocean's size and power to draw down and safely store carbon pollution, develop interventions to avoid catastrophic loss of critical marine ecosystems, and build a global community to innovate and develop ocean-climate solutions.

Ocean Visions operates in a unique market, serving a diverse set of clients that include leading universities, oceanographic institutions, and various practitioner partners. They engage and focus resources from across this network for concerted action, catalyzing collaboration for the co-design, development, testing, and evaluation of solutions.

The company has also developed a first-of-its-kind, interactive database of marine carbon dioxide removal field trials, providing a valuable tool for researchers and environmentalists. They also run a Launchpad Program, selecting innovators to contribute to their mission.

As a non-profit, Ocean Visions relies on the support of partners, funders, and supporters to finance their operations and initiatives. They also generate funds through grants and donations, which are used to support their research and development efforts, as well as their various programs and initiatives.

Keywords: Climate Change, Ocean Restoration, Non-Profit, Environmental Solutions, Low-Carbon Initiatives, Carbon Pollution, Marine Ecosystems, Global Community, Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal, Collaboration.

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